Legacy/Matching Gifts

A legacy gift, or planned gift, allows you to make a lasting impact on NAC’s mission by setting up a major gift that would be bestowed upon the organization after your passing.

Common Types of Legacy Gifts include:

A bequest is something that a donor gives a nonprofit through their will, whether that be cash, property, stocks, or a portion of their estate. This is the most common and often simplest type of legacy gift for donors to set up.
Life Insurance:
Donors can designate NAC as one of the beneficiaries of their life insurance policy. Or, if you no longer need the policy, you can donate the accumulated value to NAC.
Retirement Fund:
Donors can designate your organization as one of the beneficiaries of their retirement assets, like their IRA, 401(k), or pension.
Charitable Gift Annuities:
The donor gives a large amount of money to the nonprofit. The nonprofit then pays the donor a set annual income from that donation until the pay period ends (usually when the donor passes). After that, the nonprofit gets the remaining funds.
Retained Life Estates:
A donor gives your nonprofit a piece of property that they own, but can still use during their lifetime. Once the donor passes, your organization can choose to sell or keep that piece of property.
Charitable Remainder Trust:
This legacy gift is a type of trust gifted to a nonprofit that pays an annual amount to the trustee. After the trust is completed, the nonprofit receives the remaining funds.

Matching Gifts

Matching gifts are a type of giving program that is set up by companies and corporations as an employee benefit. After an employee donates to a nonprofit, they can submit a matching gift request to their employer and the company will make an additional donation to that nonprofit.
